Missal Guide for the Current Year
The Sunday Missal Guide for 2024 is now ready for shipping.
The Sunday Missal Guide is a handy little guide containing information on how to setup you Sunday Missal to follow the traditional Latin Mass. It contains the name of the name of the Sunday Mass [example, 8th Sunday after Pentecost], its rank, color of the day, orations and other information regarding the Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation.
Below is a sample of the Sunday Missal Guide. If you would like to obtain a copy, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope with a two dollar donation ($2.00) to the following address:
Rev. Fr. Thomas Mroczka
Attention: Sunday Missal Guide
2430 Spruce Place
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
© Copyright 2023
Rev. Fr. Thomas Mroczka
Monday, January 1, Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Octave Day of Christmas, double of the 2nd class. Color: White. In Mass Gloria, Creed, Preface of the Nativity, Proper Communicántes in the Canon of the Mass.
Sunday, January 7, The Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, & Joseph, double-major. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Sunday within the Octave of the Epiphany, Vota, quæsumus, 3rd Oration: Of the Octave of the Epiphany, Deus qui hodiérna, Creed, Preface of the Epiphany, Proper Communicántes in the Canon of the Mass (Epiphany).
Sunday, January 14, 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Hilary, Deus, qui pópulo, 3rd Oration: St. Felix, Concéde, quœsumus, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, January 21, 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Agnes, Omnipotens sempitérne, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, January 28, Septuagesima Sunday, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: St. Peter Nolasco, Deus, qui ad, 3rd Oration: St. Agnes, Deus, qui nos, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, February 4, Sexagesima Sunday, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: St. Andrew Corsini, Deus qui in, The Tract is read instead of the Alleluia verse, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity. N.B. The Blessing of Throats may be given on this day (Feast of St. Blaise, February 3rd). Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass.
Sunday, February 11, Quinquagesima Sunday, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes, Deus, qui per, The Tract is read instead of the Alleluia verse, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity, Benedicámus Dómino at end of Mass. Proper Last Gospel of the Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes, In illo témpore: Missus est Angelus, [Lk 1, 26-31].
Sunday, February 18, First Sunday of Lent, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: St. Simeon, Infirmitátem nostrum, 3rd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, The Tract is read instead of the Alleluia verse, Creed, Preface of Lent, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ is silent and the altar is not decorated with flowers. Easter Duty can be made from this Sunday until Trinity Sunday inclusive.
Sunday, February 25, Second Sunday of Lent, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, 3rd Oration: For the Living and the Dead, Omnípotens Sempitérne, The Tract is read instead of the Alleluia verse, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ is silent and the altar is not decorated with flowers.
Sunday, March 3, Third Sunday of Lent, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, 3rd Oration: For the Living and the Dead, Omnípotens Sempitérne Deus, Tract, Creed, Preface of Lent, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ is silent and the altar is not decorated with flowers.
Sunday, March 10, Fourth Sunday of Lent semi-double. [Laetare Sunday], semi-double. Color: Rose or Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: Forty Holy Martyrs, Prœsta, quœsumus, 3rd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, Tract, Creed, Preface of Lent, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ may be played and the altar decorated with flowers.
Sunday March 17, Passion Sunday, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: Psalm 42 is omitted at the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, 2nd Oration: St. Patrick, Deus, qui ad, Creed, Preface of the Holy Cross. N.B. The doxology, Glory be, is omitted during Mass and during the Aspérges before High Mass. All statues, crucifixes, and images are covered with purple cloth until the intonation of the Gloria on Holy Saturday. The organ is silent and the altar is not decorated with flowers.
Sunday, March 24, Palm Sunday, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: Psalm 42 is omitted at the prayers at the foot of the altar, Creed, Preface of the Holy Cross, Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ [Mt. 26, 1-75; 27, 1-66]. The doxology, Glory be, is omitted during Mass and during the Aspérges. N.B. There is the blessing and distribution of Palms with procession before Mass. If Mass is offered without the blessing of Palms, there is a proper Last Gospel taken from the ceremony of the blessing of Palms, In íllo témpore: Cum appropinquásset, [Mt. 21, 1-9].
Sunday, March 31, Easter Sunday, double of the first class. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, Creed, Sequence, Preface of Easter, Ite Míssa est, Allelúia, Allelúia at the end of Mass with response Deo Gratías Allelúia, Allelúia by altar boys. Proper Hanc ígitur and Communicántes in the Canon of Mass. N.B. The organ is played and the altar is decorated with flowers. The Vidi Aquam is sung instead of the Aspérges before High Mass until Pentecost Sunday inclusive.
Sunday, April 7, Low Sunday [Quasimodo Sunday], double major. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Of the BVM, Concéde nos fámulos, Creed, Preface of Easter [in hoc potíssimum gloriósius prædicáre]. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Sunday, April 14, Second Sunday after Easter, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Jusitn, Deus, qui per, 3rd Oration: St. Tibrurtius & Companions, Prœsta, quœsumus, Creed, Preface of Easter. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Sunday, April 21, Third Sunday after Easter, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Anselm, Deus, qui pópulo, 3rd Oration: Solemnity of St. Joseph, Deus qui ineffábili, Creed, Preface of Easter. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass. Mass of the Solemnity of St. Joseph permitted today with commemoration of the third Sunday after Easter with a proper gospel of the third Sunday after Easter. Preface of St. Joseph.
Sunday, April 28, Fourth Sunday after Easter, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Paul of the Cross, Dómine Jesu Christe, 3rd Oration: St. Vitalis, Prœsta, quœsumus, Creed, Preface of Easter. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Sunday, May 5, Fifth Sunday after Easter, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Pius V, Deus, qui ad, Creed, Preface of Easter. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Thursday, May 9, Ascension Thursday, double of the first class. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, Creed, Preface of the Ascension, Proper Communicántes in the Canon of Mass. N.B. The Paschal candle is extinguished after the Gospel is read.
Sunday, May 12, Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Ss. Nereus & Companions, Semper nos, 3rd Oration: Of the Octave of the Ascension, Concéde, quæsumus, Creed, Preface of the Ascension. Proper Communicántes in the Canon of Mass. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Sunday, May 19, Pentecost Sunday or Whit Sunday, double of the first class. Color: Red. In Mass: Gloria, Sequence, Creed, Preface of the Holy Ghost. Proper Hanc ígitur and Communicántes in the Canon of Mass. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Sunday, May 26, Trinity Sunday, double of the first class. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Of the First Sunday after Pentecost, Deus in te sperántium, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity. Proper Last Gospel taken from the First Sunday after Pentecost, In íllo tempore: Díxit Jesus discípulis suis, [Lk. 6, 36-42]. N.B. The Aspérges is resumed from this Sunday onward and sung before Sunday High Mass. Last day to make Easter Duty.
Sunday, June 2, Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: The Octave of Corpus Christi, Deus qui nobis, 3rd Oration: Ss. Marcellinus & Companions, Deus, qui nos, Creed, Preface of the Nativity. N.B. On this Sunday one Mass may be said as on the Feast of Corpus Christi. In Mass: Gloria, Sequence, 2nd Oration: Sunday Within the Octave, Sancti nóminis tui, 3rd Oration: Ss. Marcellinus & Companions, Deus, qui nos, Creed, Preface of the Nativity, procession follows Mass.
Sunday, June 9, Sunday within the Octave of the Sacred Heart, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Octave of the Sacred Heart, Deus, qui nobis, 3rd Oration: Ss. Primus & Felician, Fac nos, quæsumus, Creed, Creed, Preface of the Sacred Heart.
Sunday, June 16, 4th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: 2nd Oration: The Intercessions of the Saints, A cunctis, 3rd Oration: Ad libitum, i.e., at the choice of the priest, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, June 23, 5th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: The Intercessions of the Saints, A cunctis, 3rd Oration: Ad libitum, i.e., at the choice of the priest, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, June 30, 6th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Paul, Deus qui, 3rd Oration: St. Peter, Deus, qui beáto, 4th Oration: Octave of St. John the Baptist, Deus qui, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity. Proper Last Gospel of St. Paul, In illo témpore: Dixit Jesus discipulis suis: Ecce ego [Mt 10, 16-21].
Sunday, July 7, 7th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Ss. Cyril & Methodius, Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, July 14, 8th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Bonaventure, Deus, qui pópulo, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, July 21, 9th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Praxedes, Exáudi nos, Deus, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, July 28, 10th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Ss. Nazarius & Companions, Sanctórum tuórum nos, 3rd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, August 4, 11th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Dominic, Deus, qui Ecclésiam, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, August 11, 12th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Ss. Tiburtius & Companions, Sanctórum Mártyrum, 3rd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Thursday, August 15, Feast of the Assumption of the BVM, double of the first class. Color: White. In Mass: [Introit: Signum Magnum] Gloria, Creed, Preface of the BVM [Et te in Assumptióne].
Sunday, August 18, 13th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Agapitus, Lœtétur Ecclésia tua., 3rd Oration: The Octave of the Assumption of the BVM, Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, August 25, 14th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: St. Louis IX, King of France, Déus qui beátum, 3rd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.